The Best Job In The World

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I love being home! I just overheard a conversation between Parker and Reese. The were playing with Kinex (a building toy, kinda like legos) they were creating something together. I heard Reese saying a catechism answer, "Chosen men who wrote by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit" The question is Who wrote the Bible? He then asked Parker "who were the chosen men?" Parker said, "The men who wrote the Bible" and they proceeded to have a conversation about who wrote the Bible. I was grining from ear to ear. My 11 yr old and 7 yr old were bonding with each other while playing and discussing theology!!! What a wonderful blessing that they have each other and are together all day to be able to be influenced by one another. We were all outside this morning, I was watering new grass that Patrick planted and the kids were riding bikes and we were watching a beautiful display of hotair balloons going directing over our house. They were close enough we could talk to them. The sky was covered with all different colors and shapes. It was breathtaking! While outside Gabriel hurt his bid toe and said, "Ouch! I hurt my toe thumb!" A little while later Miles said, "Ouch! A skeeter got me" (mosquito) I chuckled and thanked the Lord for the opportunity to be home with our children to be able to share our lives together day in and day out. Even in the simple things! I am off to go do some baking w/ Mary Paige she has been wanting to create a huge chocolate chip cookie! I love my "job"!

Friday, July 14, 2006

I wish you could have been here this morning. I had set my alarm for 6:00am because I wanted to get back into the routine of school. During the night one of my children woke me up twice to help him to the bathroom and back to bed. When the alarm went off I was NOT ready to get up. So, I hit the snooze several times. When I did get up and get in the shower I had to chuckle because I could see the image of a little person on the other side with a sleepy, "goodmorning Mommy". This was the same child that had me up twice. He proceeded to sit on the rug outside the shower until I emerged clean and ready for the day. I took him back to his room where I found his younger brother in his crib wanting to start the day. I told both boys they were to play in their room that I was going to go read my Bible and I would be back. I was reading and I heard noises from their room. I opened their door and there was a white cloud of powder. Yes, they had decided they needed powder on their bottoms. Only most of it was on Gabriel's face, the bottom bunk and the floor. I had to close the door quickly and catch my breath. See, yesterday was one of those days where this same child put too much toilet paper in the potty, was covered in mud, spilled his entire class of sweet tea, etc. etc. The look on his face when I opened the door was one of, oh, no I messed up again. I just looked at him and all he said was, "sorry, sorry, sorry" I asked what he was doing and he told me he was trying to put powder on. I said, "I see that you need to ask me for help you're not old enough to do this by yourself." He said, "I need to vacuum it up?" So, that started our day. I am so thankful for my little ones. I just need perspective at times. In the midst of a day of trying to get school done, preschoolers making constant messes, being judge and jury in sibling squabbles by the end of many mornings much less the end of the day I am EXHAUSTED! I read an article last night after all of my little blessings were in bed that was a terrific reminder. It talked about a lady who was in her 80's that had had 3 boys and 5 girls. A young mother saw this elderly lady at the grocery store and the lady was enjoying the young mothers children. Remembering the days when she had a house full. She was such an encouragement to this young mom that it changed her perspective on her busy life. I had to agree. Even though my oldest is only 11 I can only imagine how quiet this house will be in just a few short years. I heard a quote once, "They are the longest days, but the shortest years of your life" I thank the Lord for that perspective yesterday. It caoused me not to blow it w/ my little boys this morning. I knew by the look on Gabriels face that he truly was sorry and hadn't meant any harm. Does that mean there is not punishment? No! However, w/o the Lord reminding me how often I blow it in my walk w/ Him and I am truly sorry I know how comforting it is to feel His arms around me w/o any anger or frustration towards me. I pray my boys felt that same love of our Heavenly Father when I just dealt w/ the mess and tried to train in the moment. I need to get back to my blessings and make sure I have direction and a purpose for our day. God Bless!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

My children are getting to the ages that I am trying to be more deliberate about "training" them to take responsibility for themselves as well as their place in the family. This is a constant thought on my mind. Parker turned 11 last week and he grows bigger w/ every breath. He's so responsible for an 11 yr. old. I have to remind him at times to not take on too much because he is ONLY 11. It is such a fine line between making them be responsbile for chores and such around the house and allowing them to still be little. Mary Paige has a heart for service and loves to jump in and help me in the kitchen. She's quite good at it too. For a girl of just 9 to be able to clean up the kitchen about as well as I can is something that has come naturally for her. She can follow a recipe and carry through to the end and make something that tastes wonderful. Reese is learning that there are responsibilities to being an older brother as well as privileges. He seems to get "caught" in the middle at times. At 7 I couldn't be prouder of his willingness to help be an example to the younger boys while being younger than the older two and not getting as many responsibilities and privileges. Gabriel,5, is learning to listen to the guidance of the older three while trying to make right choices that his younger brother is watching him make. He too is a wonderful helper! This morning I have had a hard time getting some things done because he has been "helping" me so much and gets frustrated if he can't "help" me. Miles,3, is learning to clean up his own messes w/o any assistance from the older ones. It is too easy for me to request one of the older ones to clean up after him instead of training him to do it himself. I have alread invested the time in the older kids so they will follow through. Miles, however, I have fallen short on. He is so proud when he does a "job" for Mommy but I need to be there through the whole task to make sure he completes it. Making sure I am intentional w/ each day is a constant thought. Remembering every moment w/ my family is a teaching moment. Oh, Lord may I always be shining your light into my families lives.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Time? I love to read other blogs but I must get better at posting on my own. I can tell you for sure that I LOVE being married to my husband. He left early yesterday morning to go to a conference in Kentucky. I have missed him terribly! I believe we've talked as much if not more than we do when he's in town. Our children know when I am on the phone they are not suppose to interrupt. When Patrick is home and we are catching up on the days events it's easy for me to get distracted by what one of our blessings is needing or wanting. However, the last two days when I've been on the phone they haven't interrupted because they have been trained not to. It has been a good thing for me to realize how often I don't engage Patrick when he's here. Also, I tend to "put out fires" the minute they spark. When the toddler needs milk it's easier to get it than to make him wait until his dad finishes what he's saying. You know, Patrick's a grown man he can understand that our two year old "needs" something. Actually, it should be the opposite. We have trained the older ones to put their hand on our shoulder if they need something. Then we will put our hand on theirs to acknowledge they need something and then when there is a break in the adult conversation we excuse ourselves and address the child. I have realized this week that our two youngest need work on this. I HATE that it takes Patrick not being here for me to realize these weaknesses. It has been a wonderful time of refreshment for Patrick . The older three were up later tonight with me and Mary Paige said, "I wish Daddy were here!" Reese said, "Oh! Don't remind me that he's gone I miss him so much", Parker said, "Me too". This made my heart leap! I pray they always miss there dad when he's gone. Reese had a baseballgame tonight. Patrick has always coached our boys teams. Patrick talked to Reese by phone three times today trying to calm his nerves before the game. Reese said tonight after the game, "I was okay but I sure missed Daddy being there, it makes me feel better during the game to know he's right there" I can't wait to tell Patrick this when he calls. Patrick does a great job putting our family on the top of his list but sometimes he has so many balls in the air that coaching is sometimes a burden. However, tonight Patrick wanted me to stay on the phone with him during the entire game to give him a play by play account. Patrick had already done the line up and where the kids were suppose to play each inning. The other coaches did a great job of filling in for him. Reese's team won 26-5!! Now they are 5-0. Reese was very excited and so were the rest of us. My parents came by our house this afternoon to try to take the younger two home with them. Any of our children jump at the chance to go home with them. Today both Gabriel and Miles said no they wanted to go to Reese's game. We were all pleasantly surprised. It was a picture perfect moment. Gabe and Miles wore old uniforms of Reese's that were the same team. Miles was convinced the team was going to let him play. They sure looked cute as mini ball players though. This was our day today! Full of wonder and excitement and wins. None of it was as much fun as it could have been because our hero wasn't here to share it with. As you can tell WE CAN'T WAIT TIL DADDY COMES HOME!!!!!!! Pray he travels home safely tomorrow! God Bless!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

As I was setting this blog up two of my blessings came in to say goodmorning. There is nothing in the world sweeter than sleepy eyes, sleepy grin and the sweet smell of a messy haired little person coming to give "morning loves". What a joy it is to be a wife and mother. I had a long night last night our two year old had a fever of 104.3 and it didn't want to break. As I was rocking him and singing to him in the wee hours I had to thank the Lord for the precious gift of my family. I don't often get the chance to cuddle up with Miles he's large and in charge. He loves to give hugs and kisses and does so often. However, he's quickly off to the next challenge. Mary Paige woke up with a stomach bug the day before yesterday. She was as sick as I've seen her. Even yesterday she stayed in bed most of the day watching Little House on the Prairie dvds. Gabriel woke up the same day with a fever and is still running one two days later. I have to thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve these little blessings. I often get so busy taking care of everyone and forget to ENJOY every moment. Yes, even when they are sick, I'm washing the fifth load of laundry and it's not even 8:00am. I have to think about when Jesus walked this earth. He served! We live in a society that says take care of you! When most say this they don't mean get up early and spend time with the Lord so that you can mirror His image throughout the day. They mean, do what makes you happy! So that you can make sure you don't lose YOURSELF! Then we wonder why we have no peace. Being a wife and a mother I sometimes feel all I do is give to everyone else. When my focus is off of the Lord and what He has called me to do, I buy into the lies! In my Bible study this week we were looking at Satan and the how he attacks us. He disguises himself as an angel of light. II Cor. 7:14-15 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also tranform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. How often do I buy into the lies of Satan. My only defense against this is to do as Eph. 6:10-18 put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Oh! I pray that I remember this throughout my days as I serve my precious family.